Marga Gual Soler

Spanish PhD turned science diplomat.
Washington, D.C.
PhD in Molecular Cell Biology, science advocate, STEM activist, writer, speaker, consultant, scuba diver. Past: United Nations, researching the role of civil society in science, technology and innovation for sustainable development. Global Competitiveness Leadership Fellow at Georgetown University. Present: Research Scholar at AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy. Latin America Coordinator at the World Association of Young Scientists. Co-founder of Red Comuniciencia.


Marga Gual Soler

Science policy
Science for development
Millennium Development Goals
Science diplomacy
Sustainable development
Women in science
Science communication
Scientific writing
Adobe Creative Suite
Social media for scientists
Science careers advisor
Strategic planning

Marga Gual Soler is a Spanish molecular cell biology PhD, science advocate, and STEM activist. Trained in four continents, her mission is to raise the voices of youth and women in science around the world. She works with multiple stakeholders to promote science literacy as a tool for sustainable development and promotes cross-cultural collaboration and understanding via science diplomacy. Marga has managed international education programs to bring science to underserved communities around the world and establish a dialogue with policymakers.

Marga's career journey has been featured in international media outlets and she frequently speaks and writes about the challenges that young researchers face in order to shape the science of the future. Marga has recently joined the World Association of Young Scientists as Latin America Coordinator to articulate, integrate and build a collective voice for young scientists to bring science closer to society and decision-makers in the Ibero-American region.


Marga Gual Soler es doctora en biología celular y molecular y activista de la ciencia. Formada en cuatro continentes, su misión es elevar las voces de jóvenes y mujeres en ciencia en todo el mundo. Trabaja para promover la alfabetización científica como herramienta para el desarrollo sostenible y promueve la colaboración y tolerancia entre culturas y a través de la diplomacia científica. Marga ha dirigido programas internacionales de educación científica para acercar la ciencia a comunidades desfavorecidas y establecer un diálogo con los responsables políticos.

Su trayectoria ha aparecido en medios de comunicación internacionales y frecuentemente da charlas y escribe acerca de los desafíos a los que enfrentan los jóvenes investigadores a la hora de definir la ciencia del futuro. Marga forma parte del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación Mundial de Jóvenes Científicos como coordinadora de la nueva Red Latinoamericana de Jóvenes Científicos, auspiciada por UNESCO. La Red busca articular, integrar y construir una voz colectiva de los jóvenes científicos para acercar la ciencia a la sociedad y a los tomadores de decisiones en la región.